Candice Phee ist 12 Jahre alt und muss für ihre Schule einen Erlebnisbericht schreiben, der sich an sämtlichen Buchstaben des Alphabets orientiert. Das dies etwas länger dauert als erlaubt, kann man sich denken und Candice nutzt die Zeit dafür, in so manches Leben wieder ein wenig Lachen und Glüc...
Okay. So maybe I am too old for these kind of books. Or maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea. But honestly? What's behind all of this book? After I finished it I was wondering: What the hell wanted the book to show me? Cause I seriously have no idea. I even feel as dumb as I felt in school when rea...
My book is maybe the weirdest book I have ever read. This story takes place in a high school, in a class of 10th graders; just like me. There's 3 main characters, Miss Payne, Calma, and Kiffo. These characters are always getting in trouble with one another. Main ideas that occur in this story is ...