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Anthea Bell

Anthea Bell
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Books by Anthea Bell


Amok (2006)

no, guys, it isn't that zweig...i am grateful for my book club for wrenching me out of the world of teen fiction, if only momentarily. even though i have been enjoying some of the teen stuff, sometimes i just want to read about someone older than myself. otherwise i just feel elderly and out of t...

Amok (2006) by Anthea Bell

Inkheart (2005)

I read this book as a buddy read with a friend and also to push this series through on my series-a-thon for this year. This is a Middle Grade to YA book. I thought this would have been a lot better had it been written as an adult novel. I thought it had an adult feel to it, but since it is intend...

Inkheart (2005) by Anthea Bell

Inkspell (2005)

Not only will I finish a book that I don’t like, but if I find anything redeeming in it at all, I’ll not infrequently pick up the sequel in the hopes that it gets better. That’s certainly the case with Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart and Inkspell stories. My encounter with the first book was an audio r...

Inkspell (2005) by Anthea Bell

The Little Mermaid (2004)

Hah. This is going to be like the ragequit of book reviews.*calm deep breaths* *inhale* *exhale* *googling pictures of fluffy kittens*WHAT THE FUCK HANS? WHAT THE FUCK! No no no no no. NO.I need to bleach this version from my SOUL. Hans, I'M TAWKING TO YOU. Rise up out of your 140 year old grave ...

The Little Mermaid (2004) by Anthea Bell

Three Bags Full (2007)

I discovered ‘Three Bags full’ by Leonie Swann during one of my random browsing sessions at the bookshop. I thought I will read it for German Literature Month, which is hosted this month. I did a readathon yesterday and finished the book. This is what I think.What I thinkGlennkill is a village an...

Three Bags Full (2007) by Anthea Bell

Burning Secret (2008)

The story here is simple enough: a… what shall we call him? a lothario? a rake? a Casanova? a sexual predator?… anyway you get the idea, this charmer, referred to in the text only as the Baron, has taken a week off work “without feeling any real need for one, mainly because all his colleagues wer...

Burning Secret (2008) by Anthea Bell

The Snowman (2005)

Jörg Fauser's The Snowman (Bitter Lemon Press) can hardly be said to be crime fiction, although there is crime, or even a thriller, although there are occasional subdued thrills. This book, originally published in Germany in 1981, appears to be some sort of pseudo-autobiographical tale about a bu...

The Snowman (2005) by Anthea Bell

Berlin: A Novel (2007)

I quite enjoyed this, but maybe as a bit of a guilty pleasure in the end. The real shining positive point of this novel is the back stories for each of the murder victims. They tend to go into some details covering their adolescence, through to adulthood, which encompasses the rise of the nationa...

Berlin: A Novel (2007) by Anthea Bell

The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr (1999)

E.T.A. Hoffman, the author of this odd, unfinished book, was born in 1776 and died in 1822. Experts in Literature describe ‘The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr’, of which Part One was first published in 1819 and Part Two was published in 1821, as proto-postmodernism because it shares many of...

The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr (1999) by Anthea Bell

The Late Monsieur Gallet (2014)

Émile Gallet è morto. La moglie piena di sussiego, il figlio così simile nel fisico, ma dal carattere totalmente diverso, una casa dove è difficile immaginare il defunto nelle sue stanze. Tutti aspetti che stonano con l'immagine del personaggio: lavoro mediocre, viso mediocre, vita mediocre, ma...

The Late Monsieur Gallet (2014) by Anthea Bell

How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone (2008)

Kada sam bila mala, baba bi me svaki put terala iz sobe kada razvlači jufke za pitu („Da ne lete dlake“). Bio je to čitav ritual: prvo rasklopi kauč, pošto je njena jufka bila veća od tepiha, koristila se posebna plahta za razvlačenje, znalo se kako se pita slaže u tepsiju. A ja sam bila opčinjen...

How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone (2008) by Anthea Bell

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