Although my interest in writing about books generally takes a more analytical bent—diving into an author's bag of tricks, dissecting how an effect was achieved or tracing the iterations of a motif along its winding course—there does occasionally come a book that elicits an unexpectedly more perso...
This is the third of Per Petterson's novels that have been translated into English. The other two deal with grown men struggling to come to grips with tragic events in their lives. To Siberia is told from a woman's perspective; a woman, at the time of the telling of the story, in her 60's looking...
In Lucca, Grondahl moves more closely into a woman's experience of life lived in relationships with men than he does in Silence in October; in Silence, he was mainly concerned with a man's realization that, indeed, he had no idea what he was doing to the women in his life until he lost them. In L...