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Andrew Hurley

Andrew Hurley
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Books by Andrew Hurley


The Color of Summer: or The New Garden of Earthly Delights (2001)

El Color del Verano es sin dudas el mejor libro que he leído de Reinaldo Arenas, y digo libro en un sentido muy amplio porque este texto es al mismo tiempo carta, oración, poema, teatro, venganza, chiste, música y novela. La estructura del texto es lo que más llama la atenión al inicio, el mismo ...

The Color of Summer: or The New Garden of Earthly Delights (2001) by Andrew Hurley

Selected Writings (2005)

dario is certainly dated, but he reads well for all that. i liked his work better than hart crane's, which is originally written in english. the translations in this volume seem to be pretty solid, although i didn't like the punctuation alterations in the poetry. dario has symbols and themes that...

Selected Writings (2005) by Andrew Hurley

The Queen of the South (2015)

There are three books to be found within this book, three major storylines to follow. One is mostly well done, one is middling, but has issues, one is rather ridiculous, occasionally mildly offensive, and out of place. The first, which I found mostly well done, is Perez-Reverte's homage to the h...

The Queen of the South (2015) by Andrew Hurley

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