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André Bernard

André Bernard
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Books by André Bernard


Cinnamon Gardens (2000)

I found this a fascinating read, partly because I had only just finished “Burmese Days” by George Orwell and the parallels are easy to see, even though it was obvious that they come from completely different directions. Both books deal with the English Raj – one in Burma, one in Ceylon – but one ...

Cinnamon Gardens (2000) by André Bernard

A Journey to the End of the Millennium (2000)

Ogni volta che prendo in mano un nuovo romanzo di Abraham Yehoshua, già so che è come se stessi per infilarmi sotto le coperte per ascoltare una bellissima favola. E in questo caso in modo particolare, perchè si sta parlando di un viaggio su un antico veliero arabo attraverso il mondo medioevale ...

A Journey to the End of the Millennium (2000) by André Bernard

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