Amos Oz's most frustrating, inane, gross, boring, and conceited novel may also be his most brilliant, erudite, funny, and deeply profound work.Let me be frank: this book is absolutely tortuous to get through at times, actually, for most of its length it seems to be everything a book shouldn't be....
"قصة عن الحب والظلام" للكاتب الاسرائيلي عاموس عوز ترجمة جميل غنايم.قرأت"هذه الرواية الأسبوع الفائت وحركت بداخلي الكثير من المشاعر المتناقضة...لماذا متناقضة؟ لأنني أحببت أسلوب الكاتب الروائي وأعجبت باحترافيته من حيث الكتابة والثقافة، ولكنني بالمقابل اشمأزيت من تحريفه التاريخي والسياسي للأحداث.وسأق...
Mi madre se preocupaba mucho cuando yo era niño. De su boca escuché por primera vez la palabra misantropía al momento en que me pidió, casi rogándome, que saliera de casa. Yo vivía todo el tiempo en mi cuarto leyendo libros, cómics y dibujando en hojas tamaño carta escenas de un final nuclear ent...
Oz wrote this novel in a female protagonist’s voice when he was 26, and as he got older (and wiser) swore that he would never attempt that again. And yet Hanna Gonen took on a life of her own for him as he wrote this novel in a cramped toilet after work over several months while his wife and chil...
p.22 - The Narrator, about Rico David (the son)You too, with your traveling, your obsession to go further and further away and hoard more and more experiences, are carting your own cage around with you to the outer edge of the zoo. Everyone has their own captivity. The bars separate everyone fr...
Black Box by Amos Oz������������.5I picked up this book with little enthusiasm. Based on the summary, I was convinced that I would not care for it. The GoodReads summary was as follows, ���examines the lives of a contemporary Israeli couple whose marriage has ended in disaster.��� My initial reac...
I didn’t realise this was going to be a kid’s book but it was only short—always the attraction—and, besides, it caught my attention. I have to say I took a shine to the protagonist (protagonist? far too grand a title for our eleven-year-old narrator) who we only ever know as ‘Soumchi’, a nickname...
"Il nostro vero guaio è che non ci lasciamo entusiasmare da niente. Questa è la vera tragedia. Chi non si attizza più per nulla si raffredda e così si comincia a morire. Bisogna cominciare a desiderare.Trattenere forte, con tutte e due le mani perché la vita non scappi, spero capiate quel che int...