it's my first time in reading one collection of Alice Munro's short stories. .I do love the stories . There is something so real in each one ... the life in its different situations something undeniable. .I think Alice is so loyal to Canada because all her stories took place in Canadian cities an...
Or maybe a kind of 5. I admire her all over the place for her skill and control as a writer, but I find her hard to like. Too bleak, often. Her stance that "stuff happens" feels cold, distanced, analytical. I want to say: where's the heart? where's the catharsis? as if she should be writin...
Anche questa volta Alice Munro non mi ha deluso : con la sua scrittura limpida e immediata porta il lettore dentro le sue storie e ogni racconto possiede la compiutezza di un libro.Protagoniste dei vari racconti sono le donne, come sempre, con le loro illusioni, aspettative, i dubbi e le certezze...
I've never been a fan of short stories. And until recently I wasn't aware that I share this dislike with a pretty significant amount of people…I've been seeing around Goodreads how common it is for people who read novels not to like short stories. It would be interesting to know if the reasons fo...
My first attraction to read Alice Munro was the Nobel Prize conferred on her last year. She is not so well known in India and her books were not easy to get or so very expensive. However, the award did the trick and I was able to grab this collection of short stories at a discount from the India ...
Don't tell anyone, but I've never read any Alice Munro. I know, I know. All of my bookish friends love her -- even the ones who generally avoid anything written by women -- so this isn't a confession made lightly. I've meant to find something of hers for a while now, but it just never happened. T...
Escribir relatos no es fácil. En pocas páginas han de caber el planteamiento, el nudo y el desenlace (aunque esta norma no se aplica necesariamente a según qué cuentos y qué escritores). El germen de una historia ha de estar presente. Ésto es algo, quizás al no ser escritor, que me resulta difíci...
I sometimes get into conversations with people who have a hard time connecting with the short-story format; they say that they hardly have time to muster an emotional involvement in the characters and events, before the story is over. To those readers I might recommend Alice Munro. True, I hav...
I don’t know where to start with this book so I'm just going to dive in. Alice Munro is a very very good writer, the sort of talent who makes me think of Anne Rice's quip that Renoir sold his soul: it doesn't figure that a person can craft such luminously wonderful art without divine or diabolica...
The experiences of Munro's characters in this collection are pretty well removed from my own. Most are women in their 50s or so, looking back on young marriages in the 50s, affairs and divorces in the 60s or 70s, visiting old friends or acquaintances after or during deaths of parents. That said, ...
Alice Munro is such an artist. I simply loved Too Much Happiness and definitely wanted to read more of her work. This is one of her earlier collections published in 1982 and though I didn’t find it as good, there are still plenty of little jewels I thoroughly enjoyed.What Munro does so well is ev...