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A.J. Hartley

A.J. Hartley
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Books: 6 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.71

Books by A.J. Hartley


Macbeth A Novel (2000)

MACBETH was the second Shakespeare play I ever read. It was the first one I taught -- to advanced students, traditional students, and remedial students. I think in some ways that experience with those struggling readers cemented my career choices. So, I have history with the play.This audible boo...

Macbeth A Novel (2000) by A.J. Hartley

Macbeth (2011)

This book is a great adaptation of the play. The novel format lends itself well to Shakespeare - the characters are more drawn out and easier to relate to. Hartley (a Shakespeare professor) and Hewson show great reverence for the play with the changes they've made. The conflicts are more drawn...

Macbeth (2011) by A.J. Hartley

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: A Novel (2014)

Richard Armitage = perfection. I swear, the man could read the phone book and I'd listen to it. What a voice! I really hope he does more audiobooks in the future. I'd give the story itself 4 stars, but his narration adds on a star. I liked the different voices he used for each characters and as I...

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: A Novel (2014) by A.J. Hartley

Mr. Peregrines Geheimnis (2013)

Darwen has just moved from a little town in England to Atlanta, Georgia. He doesn't really fit in. But when a strange man in the mall gives him a special mirror, he becomes involved in something much bigger than trying to fit into a new school halfway around the world. Another world exists beyond...

Mr. Peregrines Geheimnis (2013) by A.J. Hartley

Act of Will (2009)

This books was actually more interesting that I thought it would be. Some of the highlights included a witty protagonist, a refreshing change from some of the long-drawn out fantasy books I typically read, and some humorous dialogue. However, I found that the plot was drawn out way more than it...

Act of Will (2009) by A.J. Hartley

The Mask of Atreus (2006)

I'll just say it straight out. I didn't like this book very much. I did finish it, which is more than I can say for some others I've read that I didn't like. I didn't set out to not like it, but there it is. Now, I happen to have read many reviews in which readers say it's a great book, and if th...

The Mask of Atreus (2006) by A.J. Hartley

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