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A.J. Cronin

A.J. Cronin
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Books: 9 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.9

Books by A.J. Cronin


The Judas Tree (1986)

Не знам дали не съм малко твърде критична към тази книга, може би очакването ми е вдигнало малко летвата. За първи път чета книга, в която главният герой ми е антипатичен от самото начало и до края това не се променя. Трудно е да си избереш и да си изградиш такъв протагонист, затова - шапка на Кр...

The Judas Tree (1986) by A.J. Cronin

The Lady with Carnations (1993)

Being the owner of a 1948 copy of this novel, I get to actually feel the browned pages in my fingers and smell the familiar old book smell, while contemplating once again what I think of as proof of sublime talent. This was the first book I ever read, back when I was still a child, and it will al...

The Lady with Carnations (1993) by A.J. Cronin

Beyond This Place (2015)

Every so often, this Scottish author invades my awareness. I first read an A. J. Cronin book about an ethically constrained medical doctor (The Citadel) and about a troubled priest (Keys of the Kingdom) back when I was in junior high school. Those were the only two titles my little branch library...

Beyond This Place (2015) by A.J. Cronin

The Green Years (1949)

Girovagando tra gli scaffali della biblioteca a volte si possono scoprire dei libri dimenticati.È il caso di questo libro che giaceva un po’ abbandonato, con la copertina un po' rotta e che da un po’ di tempo mi faceva l’occhiolino (la bibliotecaria mi ha detto che non veniva preso in prestito da...

The Green Years (1949) by A.J. Cronin

Vigil in the Night (2010)

It is shocking to read about what nurses have had to go throw to win their current status. Lets not forget: there were days when things were really tough for them.This book shows the exciting story of an excellent nurse who aims to improve nurse's life quality, which is deplorable.Now, talking a ...

Vigil in the Night (2010) by A.J. Cronin

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