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Adriana Hunter

Adriana Hunter
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3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.72

Books by Adriana Hunter


Rock Hard (2013)

The characters were shallow and undeveloped. It was disappointing and I won't continue to read the next "episode". I wouldn't even call this a short story as it seemed to jump in the middle and the only conflict was that She broke His heart and he went on to be OH-SO-RICH-AND-FAMOUS.It isn't ev...

Rock Hard (2013) by Adriana Hunter

Fated Mates: The Alpha Shifter Boxed Set (2000)

As with any box set, you take a chance. With this box set I would say that the chance was worth taking. I enjoyed all of these stories, admittedly some more than others, but that is not to say that any were bad.The alphas leap of the pages at you and the females are a strong bunch who are not afr...

Fated Mates: The Alpha Shifter Boxed Set (2000) by Adriana Hunter

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