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Zoomer's Summer Snowstorm (2011)

Zoomer's Summer Snowstorm (2011)

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0061700924 (ISBN13: 9780061700927)

About book Zoomer's Summer Snowstorm (2011)

On a hot summer day, Zoomer asks his mom if he can have a snowcone. She says he can use the snowcone machine if he cleans up the kitchen afterwards. Once he turns on the machine, he looks away for a bit. When he looks back at it, the snow is 3 feet tall! He thinks about cleaning it up, but then decides to open the window and make it winter outside instead. He builds all sorts of things out of the snow and has a fantastic time.Good for preschool storytimes. This can be used in science by reading during the engage portion on a unit about weather in different seasons. This can get students thinking about whether this could actually happen in the summer or not. Later on in the 5E lesson, I would explain how this would not actually happen in the summer and explain why it would not, or the students could explain that, during the evaluation portion of the lesson. I would read this book with any grade in elementary school.

Do You like book Zoomer's Summer Snowstorm (2011)?

Who knew a snowcone maker could encourage such creative play!

My 4 year old son really enjoyed this book. :)

i loved the way he made the ice scuptures

Fun, but not as fun as the original.

Delightful and imaginative!

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