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Zentangle Untangled: Inspiration And Prompts For Meditative Drawing (2012)

Zentangle Untangled: Inspiration and Prompts for Meditative Drawing (2012)

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1440318263 (ISBN13: 9781440318269)
North Light Books

About book Zentangle Untangled: Inspiration And Prompts For Meditative Drawing (2012)

Have you tried Zentangle yet? It's fun and relaxing. This book was a good introduction to the philosophy of zentangle, but only gave examples of how to draw about a dozen of the over 100 zentangle official designs. It does introduce color, which I haven't seen much of in other zentangle books. Includes many samples from artists who have embraced zentangle, but not much in between basic how to and great works of art. I think I have never read so fast through an art instruction book, it only took around an hour. The book starts out with an explanation about zentangle. In the next capital you learn to draw 12 patterns, many of them are "official" zentangle patterns, moves on to explain some art materials, how to use colors and how use this art form with other materials. For example you can combine it with scrapbook papers, as frames in art journal and digital art. Finally there is an art gallery with more examples. Personal I have just recently discovered zentangle but I have done drawings and paintings for a while. While I understand this is a book for beginner, I was a little bit surprised how simple the examples were. I hope I don't sound mean but from somebody who got a Bachelor in Design and Art I expect a little bit more....Maybe it would have helped to use different sizes of paper instead of using the "tiles" most of the time. Unfortunatly not very inspiring.Overall the book is written very simple and the explanation about color theory was the shortest one I have ever read in an art instruction book. Again find it odd that somebody with this background claims that she doesn't know much about colors...But it gets a little bit better when she starts with colors and I also liked her ideas how to use it with other mediums. My rating is between 2-3 stars for this book...

Do You like book Zentangle Untangled: Inspiration And Prompts For Meditative Drawing (2012)?

It felt like a cheap book about Zentangling. Even patterns are not as in depth as I hoped to find.

The zentangles shown were beautiful, but as an instruction manual, it wasn't useful.

Uninspiring. Could have covered many of the official tangles in same space.

Loved it. Great ideas.

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