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Zakka Sewing: 25 Japanese Projects For The Household (2008)

Zakka Sewing: 25 Japanese Projects for the Household (2008)

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3.71 of 5 Votes: 4
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1584797207 (ISBN13: 9781584797203)
Stewart, Tabori and Chang

About book Zakka Sewing: 25 Japanese Projects For The Household (2008)

First off, I appreciate books that include a level of difficulty with each project. Many sewing books do not, and, when you are a beginner like me, it is truly helpful.I also prefer sewing books that have general notes & techniques in the front as opposed to the back because, for some reason, my mind finds it more easy to flip back to a reference point in the front than the back of the book.Another thing that is neat about this book is that it is a collective and the name and website of each designer is given at the end of each project. I really liked that feature, too.By far, my favorite project is the House Camera Cozy - so cute, so very Japanese! However, a very involved project and one that this mom of 2 young children will probably not have time to start (let alone finish) any time soon - the list of materials needed is at least 20 itesm long!!!This is another book that, for me, is more eye candy than practical project book.Projects I might make from it in the future include:- Flower Coasters- Camera House Cozy- House Mug Mat- Sahsiko place mats (note: maybe best to get a book on sashiko)- Bunny Wallet- Room ShoesBooks like these are great for their Resources page(s) and this book is no exception. How else can I find out where to find cute little Japanese notions? "Zakka" is a Japanese word that means "household goods". Beautiful, functional, artistic household goods like baskets, tea cozies, pencil cases, etc. that add cuteness, individuality and warmth to a home. This book has 25 "authentic zakka" sewing projects. Meaning they were designed and made in Japan by Japanese crafters. And what cute projects they are! Let me confess that I while I can hand sew, I haven't a clue how to machine sew, which is a really necessary skill to make most (but not all) of these projects. This book's projects are so charming and useful that I found myself standing in stores salivating over sewing machines and trying to justify purchasing one. Now that's the hallmark of an inspirational book!The directions for the projects are clear and easy to follow with good diagrams and complete materials lists. Each one also has a fun "zakka fact", a little cultural note related to the project. Projects I thought were especially unique and noteworthy were the "bunko-bon book cover", the "house mug mat", the "bunny pencil case" and the project pictured on the front cover the "squirrel tea cozy".

Do You like book Zakka Sewing: 25 Japanese Projects For The Household (2008)?

I love the ideas and projects in this book. It makes me wish I had more time to sew.

I want to make everything in this book, especially the viking key ring.

i can't wait to make some of these for me and my friends!

really, truly, completely adorable.

bought - good source

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