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Young Lies (2000)

Young Lies (2000)

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4.14 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book Young Lies (2000)

This was almost a 4 star for me. I really loved the story concept and the characters. The beginning was really, really good but towards the middle it started to lose momentum and started to drag a little. The flashbacks from past to present day threw off the flow of the story for me and there were parts that were repetitive. Overall, I enjoyed the story and I'll definitely read more by this author. Lets start with the good..good story ..kept me reading and interested..however..this book was very "long winded"..almost to the point where I just about gave up on it a couple of times..and editing issues don't normally bother me..but the ones this one had kind of did..felt like it was going to go on forever..and there's a whole other book..not sure if I'm excited about it or not..all in all..A good book..I guess!!

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