About book You Will Obey (Gay BDSM Erotica) (2000)
Bleh! God but that was awful! I mean, the writing is good and the story's development all right, but ugh! Sadistic, masochistic and degrading! Hell, the only reason I read it through is because the main character liked it plus the story was short. This sort of book has its own fan base....and I'm not part of it. I enjoy bdsm. But not like that! That said, the writing style, characters and flow of events was good. Ugh! Originally, I had planned to buy another Ty Marton title, Breakdown Motel, but Amazon.com pulled it. So, even though this was my second choice, I purchased it for my Kindle, and I turned out to be very pleased throughout and by the surprise ending. Watersports isn't my thing, but hard -- very hard -- m/m bdsm is. You Will Obey had plenty of the latter in the context of an engaging story. Yes, this was a fairly short tale, but I think it was precisely as long as it needed to be.
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