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You Saved Me, Too: What A Holocaust Survivor Taught Me About Living, Dying, Fighting, Loving, And Swearing In Yiddish (2012)

You Saved Me, Too: What a Holocaust Survivor Taught Me about Living, Dying, Fighting, Loving, and Swearing in Yiddish (2012)

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076278038X (ISBN13: 9780762780389)

About book You Saved Me, Too: What A Holocaust Survivor Taught Me About Living, Dying, Fighting, Loving, And Swearing In Yiddish (2012)

This amazing account,often told using "Eye of God"technique, is the gripping life of a young modern Jewish mother whose life becomes entwined with an elderly survivor of Auschwitz and other camps.Nearly all his family were victims of the Holocaust and his second wife is in a mental facility.Her humour and family life is mixed with the depths of his wisdom and personal flaws and easily draws us into an understanding of history that many of us don't easily digest. A must read. The author met Holocaust survivor Aaron one day when she was out with her young son. They started talking and ended up being close friends. The book goes back and forth from current day USA to WWII in concentration camps. The horror of what he experienced and how it affected him throughout his life was told through humor and caring on the part of the author. I could have done with less swearing throughout the book.

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Great book about a rich unexpected relationship. I am very proud of my childhood friend, the author!


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