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You Can't Go To School Naked! (2008)

You Can't Go To School Naked! (2008)

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3.5 of 5 Votes: 3
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0399247386 (ISBN13: 9780399247385)
Putnam Juvenile

About book You Can't Go To School Naked! (2008)

The writing of this book reminded me of the style of Dr. Seuss. The little boy didn't want to wear clothes to school and his parents were giving him a bunch of (silly) reasons why it would be a bad idea, and he was picturing it. Very funny, I imagined a classroom of children cackling uncontrollably when this book was read aloud to them (so warning to the teachers, this book will get loud). In the end he decides that wearing super hero costumes would be best. A young boy wants to go to school naked. But his parents warn him there could be problems. For example, what if he wants to play baseball? He definitely couldn't slide! And he couldn't go down the slide of course! Eesh! If it's cold outside he'll freeze, but if the sun is shining really hard, imagine the sun burn. Finally the young boy realizes he must wear what's wrong with his superhero costume? Why, nothing at all!

Do You like book You Can't Go To School Naked! (2008)?

Some of the reasons for not going to school naked were pretty compelling!

This is a great mentor text for persuasive writing.

Great book. Rhymes and is a really fun book.

A little clunky, but cute.

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