About book Writing Down Your Soul: How To Activate And Listen To The Extraordinary Voice Within (2009)
This is more of a spiritual book than a writing book. At first I thought it might be a bit more “out there” than I might enjoy but I liked this book more than I expected to. She extracts from several different spiritual traditions and yet, all of the “exercises” can fit into the reader’s own personal tradition/myth. The second half of the book was more in-depth and I liked the lists of questions and techniques she suggested using when writing to “the Voice” or as I choice to do – God. Writing can be very helpful in the healing process both spiritually and physically. I believe anyone who is looking for some type of spiritual connection through writing could benefit from some portion or this entire book. i've long valued the fact of writing, any type of writing. writing helps us think, work through buried emotions, and most of all i firmly believe in the power of every single person's story and how can we know your story (or you, mine) unless we write. and this book is another fair guide to writing down our thoughts, our feelings, our experiences, our world view. go for it.the book seems to rely heavily on the current fad (meant technically not as a put-down) of manifestation, the prosperity gospel, and attraction thoughts. ms. conner never mentioned dr. wayne dyer but i had the sense that much of her thoughts on writing and her approaches to writing, were echoes of his empowering self-help books. these are popular and current topics and have a strong following. this book would fit in well with that mindset. undoubtedly. i personally don't believe in a gimme-god who is interested in either maintaining or improving a privileged life style. i do believe in a god who cares deeply for us and who wants to walk our hard paths with us. and writing down our thoughts and experiences does help us to realize the fact of that trait of god. but the god who shows up in intimate ways during our search for our soul as we experience the harshness of life, that god cares more about clear thinking and love of neighbor and self than he does about my bank balance and living accommodations.at one point in the late summation part of the book, ms. conner suggested that getting a massage and even better having a massage practitioner come to your own house is a tool in this search for writing down our soul. really? i truly have no clue why a massage is recommended in a book about writing down our souls. way too much emphasis on material possessions or spa experiences to be a solid book on spiritual writing. nonetheless a decent book about writing and how to focus on our deepest desires. ignore the gimme-part and this book should work out well for an earnest seeker who is also writing down his/her soul.on the other hand, one could try ignatian spiritual exercises. those jewels work supremely well in our search for our soul's deepest workings. well that and a good spiritual director.
Do You like book Writing Down Your Soul: How To Activate And Listen To The Extraordinary Voice Within (2009)?
A great spiritual read. A must read if you have an open mind, and want to expand yourself.
Enjoyable, interesting, and many actionable good ideas.
Enjoyed it ... Inspiring and peace generating