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World On A String (2013)

World on a String (2013)

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0988698404 (ISBN13: 9780988698406)
Storytime Works

About book World On A String (2013)

I must say that I can't wait until my grandchild is old enough for me to read and share this book with.The drawings are so very vivid and beautiful that I am sure they will be enjoying the color while I read the simple and poetic story (the story is told in rhyme). I love the way the author and artist have dealt with the loss that Charlie goes thru and how he deals with it... that even though one is sad with the loss of his balloon he is able to turn it around to a wonderful memory and dream of what happens next in a way that I believe that children can understand and accept. That loss doesn't have to be all 'doom and gloom'... but accepting that there is a grieving period and then one of new hope.So grand kids... hurry up and get a little older so we can enjoy this together... (I hope they enjoy it as much as I do) World on a String soon to be released is one of those very special children's books that you will keep long after your children are grown.Charlie finds a special balloon. It becomes his wonderful friend. He goes to school with the balloon; nighttime the balloon gives of its friendly loving light. But a big storm blows his balloon away. He can't find it anywhere. But when he look at the stars in the sky, he can imagine his wonderful friend there somewhere.The story helps children deal with loss and wanting the best for the friends that come and go in their lives.The illustrations are quite beautiful.I LOVE THIS BOOK! It's a children's book....but it is a special book for adults as well. Larry Phifer has given us an eternal book that will be around for a long time!

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Captivating story with beautiful illustrations. A must-read for kids big and small!

absolutely adore this story of love and a loss that lives on...

I thought the illustrations were beautiful.

Beautiful illustrations

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