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Work For Hire (2000)

Work for Hire (2000)

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About book Work For Hire (2000)

Margo Karasek is now on tour with CLP Blog Tours and Work For Hire. This novel is full of hard questions, tough conundrums, and I often thought to myself what would I do? Our heroine is Tekla, a law student who is getting top grades and is on the right track to having much success upon graduation. But when she needs more money to keep her up with her rent, a job offer poses a threat to her carefully-planned out life. She gets a job as a tutor for two young children of extremely wealthy – and absent – parents. But tutor is stretching it, and soon Tekla finds herself running into the ground trying to please not only the kids, but the parents as well. While her grades and perfect attendance starts to suffer, Tekla has moral dilemmas about her job – and begins to question herself. I really enjoyed Work For Hire, and the main message is actually pretty similar to my second novel, so that probably helped me connect with the plot. Tekla has a great high-paying job, but at what cost? The situations that happen throughout the novel will frustrate you, anger you, and make you sad. Karasek did a great job building up her supporting cast, and it was easy for me to become immersed in the story. The ending left me with a bit of a question mark, which I found to be the only downside of the whole book. I was highly entertained throughout, and it was tough to put down. One I recommend!**4.5 stars** Wow. This is much better than I thought it would be. Was caught by the, if you like this maybe you'll like this, link that pops up on the Kindle. It turned out to be a really good choice. I did try out a sample before I bought it. It seemed up my alley. So, I clicked to buy.Boy am I glad I did. Work for Hire is about a law student at NYU that is in need of some cash. She is hit with unexpected dorm costs, and who really wants to go back and live with their parents. Her roommate recommends becoming a tutor to help out. Not a bad solution, unless you have the rich family from hell. The kids turn out to be a mess, parents absent, and everything falls into our heroines lap most of the time. Throw in one really cute photography assistant for distractions, and you get all the reasons to drive the suspense. The writing has detail that tells you the author lived this. Yup. In her bio, it does mention she went to law school and tutored wealthy, do-well, students. You can tell. It's raw and edgy. If you remember or still have to encounter that moment in your life where if you mess up, everything you work for will be over, this is the book for you. You live it all, moment for moment, until you cheer for the heroine in the end. Bravo. When I was done I thought, is there more? I hope so. I'll be waiting for the sequel.

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Very much liked this story. Had a hard time putting the book down!

The book is a fun and easy read; perfect for the beach.

Reminding me of Nanny Diaries!

review to come.

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