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Wolves And War (2010)

Wolves and War (2010)

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3.91 of 5 Votes: 2
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0011083549 (ISBN13: 2940011083549)
Rae, Candy

About book Wolves And War (2010)

This series was recommended by a friend at work and since I do enjoy by wolf stories and my sci-fi, and since it was free, I thought... what the heck.I was surprised at how quickly I became engrossed in the story. There is a lot happening, but there is time taken to get to know the main characters and the basic plot of the story. I really liked the world building and the fact that the Lindar and the humans were able to bond so well. And of course the bad guys were Soooo bad.The only thing I totally disliked about the story was not because of the story but something I personnel dislike in a book... almost unbeatable odds. It just seemed so awful to me that 20,000 convicts came against these settlers... along with the large army of Larg against the Lindar.So much war and violence, rape and violence, fighting and death. The writing was good and the story was engrossing, but I personally read to relax and find some comfort and escape... not to be upset and depressed.The story line ia fascinating and if the succeeding stories are as good, this would be a great series for someone with a more stalwart stomach than mine. I had acquired this as a free ebook for my NOOK. I liked it well enough and it held my interest which may sound like I am damning with faint praise. That is not my intent, I promise, as it was very inventive and enjoyable. However, I wish I were able to rate in 1/4 slices rather than shackled by being forced to choose full stars because this novel is closer to a 4 than a 3... my rating would be 3.75 which is to say it was pretty darn good. The action was believable yet uninspired while the plot did not offer any significant twists or surprises. However, the story did advance toward a satisfying confrontation/conclusion. I thought the author did a wonderful job of creating a unique physical backdrop for the characters which isn't easy in this type of sci-fi fantasy. Finally, I felt the author hit her stride when dealing with interpersonal relationships as well as the unique bonding unions that are at the heart of this novel. I liked it. If I had to categorize it I would say that it was a sci-fi/fantasy with just a little bit of survival 101 thrown in.

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Ok this was a epic book and i understood the whole book and im 10 it is like am i really that epic

Loved it once i started to read it i could not put it down. I read the book in one go.

I can't wait until the next book. It's something that i'm really looking forward to.

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