I picked this up from a box at work, mostly because the cute title amused me. It is probably a good book for tweens and young teens. I think it pretty accurately captures the weird mindset of young teens, which is probably why I didn't love it, actually. The young characters aren't catty, exactly, but they do have that kind of jump-to-conclusions tunnel-vision mentality that I recall from my own adolescence. The plot kept me reading, though the girls' lives are ridiculously privileged and absurdly charmed for the most part. It does portray a range of personalities and interests among the girls, which was nice. So I would say it is a fun, fluffy book for a tween, but probably not worth reading if you are a grown-up. I have really come to like this series! When I first started reading it I didn't care for this series.. but I was running out of things to read and my mom told me to try this series again. I have been reading more than I have in a while and I'm glad I have. I admit, lately I have to find a book that really interests me in order for me to read a lot! These books did the trick. This series has situations that everyone my age and older go through. Great series! Recommended to everyone!