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Winter Journal (2011)

Winter Journal (2011)

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3.84 of 5 Votes: 4
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0805095535 (ISBN13: 9780805095531)
Henry Holt And Co

About book Winter Journal (2011)

I can think of hundreds of journals that could touch me deeply,yet Auster's winter journal is something of a quite emotional chaos.By referring to chaos,I mean a real deep and human condition of a soul and not just a typical record.Some could claim that it is without order(chronological or logical) yet a life journal with its ups and downs and sometimes unexpected events can only rely on its unpredictability. My four stars are due to the fact that I'm more than willing to read the rest of an up-coming journal. I love Paul Auster's writing, especially the non-fiction. (Sometimes with his fiction I get the feeling that he is telling the same story over and over.) He could write about anything and I would be happy to read it because the prose is so beautiful, but this is a particularly appealing topic: he is summing up his life as he marks his entrance into old age. He's honest; he refuses to take himself too seriously; and he always avoids the obvious.

Do You like book Winter Journal (2011)?

Amazing, one of my all time favs

It was sincere and warm.

Brilliant as always.

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