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Will The Boat Sink The Water?: The Life Of China's Peasants (2007)

Will the Boat Sink the Water?: The Life of China's Peasants (2007)

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1586484419 (ISBN13: 9781586484415)
public affairs

About book Will The Boat Sink The Water?: The Life Of China's Peasants (2007)

While the book is informative, nonetheless the translation was spotty and it suffers from the illness that plagues all journalists: it is more focused on stories than about analysis. Unfortunately, many of these stories already appeared in China's domestic press, so while they may be new to foreign eyes the authors' reporting was not particularly original. In addition, the authors seem to make every person in their reporting two-dimensional: either good or evil. Nuance or careful analysis will not be found in this book.Unfortunately, these stories initially lack much context: it is not until the fifth chapter that a post-1949 history of Chinese agriculture is given. This makes the stories of countryside tragedy appear as isolated instances of malfeasance rather than as examples of a systemic political problem.While the sixth chapter supposedly offers possible remedies for the problems of China's countryside, in fact they don't. Simply saying that there should be better policies or better cadres implementing those policies is not, in fact, a substantive contribution to the debate. Unfortunately, one suggestion that would have been useful was not proffered: giving Chinese peasants oversight over their local governments by giving them the right to choose their representatives in those governments. It seems to me that many problems in the countryside arise from the fact that cadres are more interested in what their superiors think than in the realities of those they are governing. If your incentive is to impress an official in the faraway provincial capital or even further away national capital, then of course you will do everything in your power to prevent any bad news from escaping your locality. Until this basic dynamic is broken Chinese peasants will continue to be mistreated by the authorities regardless of the political system under which they live.

Do You like book Will The Boat Sink The Water?: The Life Of China's Peasants (2007)?

The book gets 3-stars b/c it is a "black market" book in China about Chinese peasants written by Chinese peasants who lived it. If it was some pencilneck, ivory tower dweeb who wrote it, it would be 2-stars. It's interesting and very enlightening to the plight of the Chinese peasantry (numbering 900million) and tells quite a bit about the HOW and WHY of the Chinese economic boom (as well as the brutal costs). But, it spends too much time "storytelling" about "this bad thing" and "that bad thing" that happened to various people in various villages. There's not nearly enough overarching analysis, though I'm not 100% sure that was/is the point. The last chapter wraps a nice bow around all of it to give some analysis, but it is too little too late. A VERY important read for a greater understanding of the brutalities of China today and the "dark side" of their economic "boom". The title comes from the saying that "Water holds up the boat, but it can also sink the boat" with the "water" being the peasants. It seems China's policies are intent on "sinking the water". Sucks to be a Chinese rural peasant, that's for sure.
—Christopher Rex

"Will the Boat Sink the Water?" är en bok jag inte skulle ha läst på fritiden främst på grund av att boken behandlar ett ämne jag inte är jätteintresserad av att läsa om. Med denna inställning till boken kanske det inte är så konstigt att jag blev positivt överraskad. Trots att boken innehåller en del krångliga ord är den lättläst tack vare alla utförliga exempel. Dessutom blir boken intressant när man får exempel att relatera till för att förstå problemet. Det gör att boken kommer närmare och att man kan känna starkare känslor inför orättvisorna som annars inte skulle betyda mer än siffror och procenttal på ett papper.Den som är det minsta intresserad av att lära sig lite om de kinesiska böndernas liv och deras ekonomiska tillstånd bör absolut läsa den här boken. Det är en lättläst och intressant bok, om ett ganska tungt ämne, som jag absolut rekommenderar!

Started and finished this book yesterday (silly due dates at silly libraries). This is the English translation of a book called 中国农民问题调查 that made waves in China a few years ago (2004-ish I think). It was banned a month after it was released on the mainland but went on to sell something like 7 million copies in pirated form. Really interesting and heart breaking, the authors investigated cases of local corruption in tax and fee collection in villages across Anhui Province, one of China's poorest. Long story short: peasants have it worse now in many ways than they had before the so-called People's Revolution because of exploiting cadres and their heavy taxes and fees (much heavier than city people's tax burden).

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