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Wilfred (2013)

Wilfred (2013)

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0803737327 (ISBN13: 9780803737327)

About book Wilfred (2013)

I learned a lot from this book. If people are different from you in any way, then they had better also be completely obedient, helpless, and without any sense of independence, pride, or even self. Don’t worry! You can totally humiliate, hurt, and steal from them. They’ll still love and sacrifice themselves for you. That’s how you know they’re good, even though they are different. Recognizing this makes you good as well! You’re actually even better, because you (unlike they) are smart and powerful. Congratulations! You’ll take care of them now. What a loving healthy community.I don’t know why people are describing this book as heartwarming. It’s genuinely horrifying. An unusual tale about an unusual friendship. In a town where the residents are all bald, a young boy and a hairy giant become friends. The giant is generous to a fault and the residents of the town take advantage of his generosity when they convince him to shave his hair and use it to fashion wigs for themselves.Without his hair, the giant is too cold to play with the young boy and stays inside his cave to keep warm. When the young boy learns about his friend the giant's hair loss he makes mittens from his blanket and attempts to deliver them in the middle of a blizzard.When the boy finds himself cold and alone in the dark of the night, his friend the giant is there to keep him safe and warm. A quirky story with a happy ending. Illustrations were rendered in pen & ink and finished in Photoshop. This picture book has a wide appeal range as it's fun for the preK crowd, but the story almost has a Tim Burton-esque feel which would be a good independent read on up to 5th grade.

Do You like book Wilfred (2013)?

Quirky and fun. Artwork reminded me of DiTerlizzi.

Good for family storytimes.

And again, AWWWW.

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