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Wild Night Is Calling (2011)

Wild Night Is Calling (2011)

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3.62 of 5 Votes: 5
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0012257354 (ISBN13: 2940012257352)
Joe Konrath

About book Wild Night Is Calling (2011)

This one kept me guessing for such a long time. Then I was saying to myself, why, why is this happening. Until finally it all came to the conclusion I had yet to guess. What a twisty twisted twist.Two friends are separated while stupidly agreeing to go to a party with two boys. Desperately trying to find her friend we keep wondering what's going to happen to these girls. So many emotions running through this one. Worry, disgust, concern, and finally you're left wondering, WHAT!?I enjoyed this short story. Written by Ann Voss Peterson and J.A. Konrath both parts blended seamlessly. I wouldn't have even known it was two different authors had I not been told.This one was well worth it. That was a damn good story! When I finished Part 1 I was shocked speechless at the twist. I'd been following along thinking one thing and the facts reversed 180. Then when I finished Part 2 I was even more shocked. this one really kept me off balance. The ending was a bit abrupt--it really left me wanting to read more. I will definitely be buying Flee (the novel this short story was advertising) when it is released.

Do You like book Wild Night Is Calling (2011)?

It was all right. I didn't expect too much but the end I saw coming. Draculas spoiled me.

A very short story, typical Konrath. Good ending. 1 error.

A short, shocking tale with a Konrath surprise...

okay, quick read


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