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Wicked Promise (2004)

Wicked Promise (2004)

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3.8 of 5 Votes: 4
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0312998902 (ISBN13: 9780312998905)
st. martin's paperbacks

About book Wicked Promise (2004)

Easy to read story involving the much used Guardian seduces his Ward theme. (I don't read the type often but I always enjoy it when written well).Elizabeth Woolcot, (h/ward), is a very likeable leading lady. She isn't too happy about ending up as the ward of the notorious, convicted murderer, Nicholas Warring aka the Wicked Earl.Likewise, when Nicholas' solicitor brings Elizabeth to his estate and presents Nicholas (H/guardian) with the news of his new responsibility, nobody is really happy about this turn affecting everyone's lives.Nicholas accepts, eventually, after learning of circumstances in Elizabeth's life which has led to to this pass. He is determined being her guardian is not going to alter his decadent lifestyle and informs her of that fact. Since Elizabeth has no other alternative, she agrees and so the story begins.It's a fun romp with the Wicked Earl continuing on with his drunken debauched partying and Elizabeth sneeking down the stairs to see what is going on. She and her aged Aunt are consigned to their part of the estate during these events by Nicholas, but Elizabeth isn't the type to reign in her curiosity so of course she gets caught time and again.The attraction between the two builds, and Nicholas is quite the virile kinda guy. He is hiding his nature, but Elizabeth gets glimpses behind his facade which naturally intrigues her.It's a light story that is written well. The only things that bothered me were the fatalistic attitude Nicholas holds as well as his irritating overblown sense of guilt. That guilt trip became so damn tedious and weakened his virile dominate alpha appeal spoiling how much more he could have been. Time: 1803Regency England

Do You like book Wicked Promise (2004)?

For a time back in the 80’s & 90’s, my reading material of choice was frequently bodice rippers, historical fiction, and regency romances with a few contemporary best sellers thrown in for good measure. Most of them were pretty steamy (blush) &/or overly romantic, but I read them during a time in my life when I found myself as a single parent, and these books fit the bill. I found them to be highly entertaining. I recently donated a slew of them, but I wanted to catalog them all the same. So if there is no rating here from me, it means that I don’t remember anything about the book other than I obviously read it. If there is a rating, it must have been in some way memorable for me.I only wish that GoodReads had been around years ago so that I had some idea of the many books I have read – there were thousands! I did own a copy of this book, but most others came from the library because back then I could never have afforded the 100+ books I generally read in any given year.And by the way, I still read bodice rippers – just not quite so many as I used to!

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