About book Why Can't I Get Better?: Solving The Mystery Of Lyme And Chronic Disease (2013)
First, I want to emphasize that this is not easy reading material. While, Dr. Horowitz does his best to break the information down into easy to understand chunks, the content is comprehensive and highly scientific. For the average person, this is the type of book requiring time and concentration. For those in the medical profession, this is an absolute must read.I've had a lifetime of health problems and have a list of diagnoses containing words like 'chronic' and 'idiopathic'. Finally, five years ago, I was diagnosed with chronic, late-stage Lyme disease. Even with that knowledge, my doctors have been at a loss as to how to help me. Various treatments have buried me financially while doing very little (if anything) to improve my health. This book explains everything I've gone through, connecting all the seemingly random symptoms and complications I've experienced throughout the years. Unfortunately, traveling to see Dr. Horowitz for treatment isn't an option for me at this time. Also, the average person simply cannot afford all the recommended supplements and medications. Many of us who have faced years of chronic health problems will not be able to afford his recommended protocol, particularly since insurance companies are given so much power in deciding what we do and do not need for treatment. I am lucky to have a doctor who is totally open to alternative treatments, and I plan to bring her this book. With luck, we'll happen about the right combination of treatment and affordability. Dr. Horowitz offers tremendous insight into many chronic health problems, from Lyme disease to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, and much more. He has risked his career and reputation in order to help those of us the medical system has failed so miserably. For that alone, he has my eternal gratitude. I was lucky enough to receive this book free through Goodreads First Reader and although I didn’t anticipate it, I was very impressed with this book! At first I was put off by the Author seeming to get side tracked, and the unending case studies, however, the further you read the more his observations reveal how much he cares about his patients and is listening to them. He worked with his patients and created a system, which could be used by other medical professionals. The book breaks down the areas that may need to be addressed, explains how symptoms often have multiple sources and ways he has dealt with each possible source. Now while many of the treatments are not new the idea you need to identify and treat each possible cause to fix the whole is a very new idea to western medicine. The book is also excellent in the full explanation of why it is so important to avoid toxic chemicals, eat healthy, and take all these supplements.Out of all the well-written chapters, I must note that the chapter on Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) was the best and most comprehensive explanation I have ever read regarding the chronic low blood pressure, near fainting and fainting that occurs with many people with Lyme, Fibromyalgia and CFS. This chapter would have been worth gold to me in high school when I had the fun time trying to understand why I was feeling faint. I spent hours researching to find half of this information.The book has inspired me, given me new goals, and given me a feasible plan of action!
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Reading for 3rd time! IT'S THAT GOOD! A MUST-READ!!!