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Why Aren't You Sweet Like Me?: Based On A True World War II Love Story (2012)

Why Aren't You Sweet Like Me?: Based on a True World War II Love Story (2012)

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3.5 of 5 Votes: 1
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1620060140 (ISBN13: 9781620060148)
Sunbury Press, Inc.

About book Why Aren't You Sweet Like Me?: Based On A True World War II Love Story (2012)

I often do not change my mind regarding a character once I have made it; guess there is a first for everything. For the first half of this book, I despised the deuteragonist (he was not the antagonist) and wanted nothing more than for the protagonist to wake up, from the manipulative relationship, and run like hell in the other direction. The psychologist in me spent the first half of the book in turmoil wanting Honey to leave Don. Once someone shows their vile, manipulative and jealous side, they rarely change. But in Don's case, once he got what he desired most, instead of becoming worse, he actually improved. Whether this was maturity or just how the Army can change a person, Don's character truly grew over the course of the book. And by the end I found myself rooting for Don and Honey to live happily ever after instead of wishing for Don to jump off a cliff. Technically speaking this book seemed a bit long and drawn out at times, especially during the first half. The writing and prose are average with only a couple of memorable lines worth highlighting. There were a few errors but I have come to think most of these likely happen when the book is haphazardly being converted into a digital format for Kindle/Nook. Keep a tissue handy while you're reading. You never know, you might become as hooked as I did and start Goggling the characters afterward (since it is based on a true story). Many thanks to Carrie Nyman and Goodreads for this first reads giveaway win.This was such an interesting idea for a book and the book was that-interesting. How fascinating to read about somebody's life this way! At times I had to remind myself that this was real and it wasn't somebody's made up story. Because it was a real story, I also had to remind myself that things are not always perfect and people do not always act how we ideally want them to. I could point out dumb mistakes made by either party in the relationship, but I won't because this was real! We live life to learn and grow and I felt honored to go on that journey with this couple. It's incredible to see what comes from a couple's love (the generations of family that follow).It's definitely a bittersweet book, so if you're looking for a super happy, lovey, book this is probably not the book for you.

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Slow at times, but heartbreaking by the end.

Started - struggled - saved for another day

The second book ever, to make me cry.

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