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Who Was Pablo Picasso? (2009)

Who Was Pablo Picasso? (2009)

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0448449870 (ISBN13: 9780448449876)
Grosset & Dunlap

About book Who Was Pablo Picasso? (2009)

He was born on October 25, 1881. He moved around a lot, from Spain to Paris. He had many friends. Paul had seven girlfriends. He had two sons and two daughters. Pablo and one of his very best friends came up with an artist called a cubist. The were both very good cubist. In Pablos years of being ages 88-91 he created 933 different kind of paintings and drawings. Pablo became friends with a sculptor and Pablo decorated the sculptures that he friend. After some time Pablo decided to make his own sculptures. Pablo made very interesting sculptures. The first art show Pablo was in was the Els Quatre Gats Café in 1900. Pablo made a Bull head out of an old bike seat and handle bars. Pablo dump most of his girlfriends except the girl he married before he died and the one named Dora dumped him.The book is Who Was Pablo Picasso The author and illustrated is True Kelley -penguin level 3.3-Time 9/29 40min 9/30 20min-7 word summary Picasso-Spanish-draw-war-Guernica-peace-works-Discussion questionPicasso had talent for drawing great pictures. Moreover he had so strong wish to draw in his way. He was not influenced by the way to drawing pictures in those days.Q. Do you have strong will about something which you like to do?Are you not influenced by majority?A. I love reading books not only Japanese books, but also foreign books. I have my own way to enjoy reading! In the case of reading books, I am not influenced by other ways to read books.If there are atractive ways to read books, however, I would like to learn those ways.Probably, Picasso's story is very famous all over the world. We should learn the way of life from great people in history.

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