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Who Was Jackie Robinson? (2010)

Who Was Jackie Robinson? (2010)

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4.26 of 5 Votes: 5
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0448455579 (ISBN13: 9780448455570)
Grosset & Dunlap

About book Who Was Jackie Robinson? (2010)

After reading this, I'm determined to read a longer work about #42. It grosses me out how recently baseball was separated into the Major Leagues and the Negro League. The most shocking fact in this book? Men in the Negro League sometimes had to sleep in the stadium because surrounding hotels were white only. Yeesh.The author did a nice job explaining segregation in a way that kids can understand and laying out the facts of Robinson's career in a compelling way. I also appreciated the little section on author baseball greats of the era. Jackie Robinson is a true inspiration to not only baseball fans but everyone. Being the first African American baseball player was not easy with all the hate everyone gave him. Not only were the fans mean to him his teammates were too. After a while his teammates finally started to see how well of a baseball player he was they started to realize he was a normal person and started standing up for him like they should have because he was there teammate. I would recommend this book to people who are against color discrimination because i know you would like it. It was a easy read but a very well written book.

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My kiddos and I enjoyed reading this book and learning about Jackie Robinson.

I think it was well illustrated and explained thoroughly!!!!

Great for biography projects. On third grade level.

The book was O.k

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