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Who Has What?: All About Girls' Bodies And Boys' Bodies (2011)

Who Has What?: All About Girls' Bodies and Boys' Bodies (2011)

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4.11 of 5 Votes: 2
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0763629316 (ISBN13: 9780763629311)
Candlewick Press

About book Who Has What?: All About Girls' Bodies And Boys' Bodies (2011)

My 6 year old son has some questions about his body that I am not prepared to answer. I read this book to him in hopes that it would start paving the way. It did. He learned quite a bit about the female anatomy he didn't quite know - which led to more questions... not sure I was ready for that can o' worms! Sadly, it did not go far enough in depth for him... he wants to know "why" we have them. I want to make sure that he feels that it is OK to talk to me about sex now so that when he gets older, he comes to me. I think what I really need is a preparation manual for parents so that we are ready with age appropriate answers for our kids. All in all, a cute book though! Better if it explained what ages it was targeted at. Where was this book when I was growing up? In fact, where was this book when there was all that to-do about The Higher Power of Lucky a few years back? In simple but straightforward fashion, the author explains how the bodies of boys and girls are alike and then how they are different. Girls have vaginas, for instance, while boys do not. Boys have penises while girls do not. The inclusion of dogs as well to show that they, too, have some of the same body parts is helpful. One of my favorite aspects of this book is that the brother and sister discuss all these matters frankly with each other and with their parents while spending time at the beach. The conversation seems natural and not forced at all, as such conversations should be. Intended for a young audience, the book is sure to satisfy some children's curiosity while also prompting other questions. The digital illustrations with their vivid colors and smiling beachgoers go nicely with the text and add to its appeal.

Do You like book Who Has What?: All About Girls' Bodies And Boys' Bodies (2011)?

I would definitely share this with a younger child who has questions about his or her body.

A truly exhaustive and straightforward depiction of the birds and the bees.

Notable Children's Books 2012 (ALSC)Notable Children's Books, 2012 (ALA)

Is it good I don't think don't bye it it's rip of

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