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White Man Falling (2007)

White Man Falling (2007)

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3.29 of 5 Votes: 4
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1846880246 (ISBN13: 9781846880247)
alma books

About book White Man Falling (2007)

An odd comedy about an Indian policeman who following a stroke and a near death experience is attributed holiness by those around him. The book is funny and touching in parts but throughout I could not stop questioning how an author born and raised outside could be so very sure of himself in writing about what would appear to me to be fundamental cores of Tamil culture. At times the book sails perilously close to the arent foreigners awfully comic. So then I got lost in the whole well its obviously silly to constrain authors to only writing about their own culture - an ethnic straitjacket of write what you know. That then turned into trying to come up with authors who can write about cultures other than their own convincingly. Ishiguro was raised in Surrey so that one went out the window, and after further thought I could only think of historical novelists Like Hilary Mantel who write so convincingly on different cultures seperated not by space but by time. In the end the only conclusion I came to is that this book underwhelmed to the extent that it allowed the brain to focus on more interesting questions. The dreadful reading run of 2014 continues.

White Man Falling provides a humorous insight into the life of Swami, a retired and handicapped police officer. One event changes his life, and his family’s, drastically as described by Mike Stocks.Initially, I doubted that Stocks could accurately depict a South Indian family – after all, he who has not grown up on idli and sambhar is unlikely to understand the nuances of South Indian culture. Obviously, I was wrong, since Stocks mostly does manage to do so.The exception being…Read the rest at

Do You like book White Man Falling (2007)?

Mike Stocks does an incredible job of capturing the rhythms of life in South India.A Caucasian man falling from a hotel window triggers an unlikely chain of events that lead to a retired police officer being venerated like a minor deity. Everything rings true, from the descriptions of home life,political chicanery and traffic madness to the painful and awkward machinations that Indian mothers undertake to marry off their children. The speech patterns and colloquialisms seem spot on. The story itself is smart and funny,even if it does meander a bit. If you enjoyed this you might enjoy these other books set in India. "Holy Cow" by Sarah McDonald,"In Custody",by Anita Desai,and "The God of Small Things",by Arundhati Roy.R K Narayan's "Malgudi Days" also. The confident use of natural sounding dialogue recalls Roddy Doyle's work,especially the Barrytown trilogy( The Commitments,The Van,The Snapper).You may also enjoy Ha Jin's description of everyday Chinese life,especially " In the Pond"
—Ketan Shah

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