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When Karma Comes Knocking... (2013)

When Karma Comes Knocking... (2013)

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3.55 of 5 Votes: 3
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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book When Karma Comes Knocking... (2013)

It started out funny but then the story lines got into the way of the actual conflict. SPOILER ahead: I'd once like to see a story where the poor guy just got intimidated by learning the one he loves is actually rich and not jumping to the unreasonable conclusion, that the rich guy is just playing with him. It seems to me to be such a forced conflict, especially when poor guy has absolutely no reason to think so, rather the opposite. I loved this! It may be that Winnie the Pooh was my favorite cartoon character growing up, but I adored all of the references to him and Tigger here, and honestly laughed out loud several times. Adorable.What I loved about this story, though, is that in the midst of making me laugh and entertaining me with an engaging narrator and an endearing romance was that it addressed some deeper issues. Winston was a fascinating character, and I appreciated the slowness with which we, along with the narrator, got to know him and understand his background.I can't help but wish that Ray would have brought up the family thing before the picnic, or that they'd have had a chance to talk about things at SOME point... I agree that the pace got a little frantic there at the end.Still, a lovely, lovely story. Will definitely be on my comfort-reads list.

Do You like book When Karma Comes Knocking... (2013)?

2.75 stars. This story is sugary, saccharine sweet. Not my favorite, but cute none the less.

I liked the Tigger reference (and Daddy being Pooh Bear)!

LOVED this story!

3.5 stars,

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