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Wheel-Mouse Vs All The Crazy Robots (2000)

Wheel-Mouse vs All The Crazy Robots (2000)

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About book Wheel-Mouse Vs All The Crazy Robots (2000)

I got a complimentary copy and then promply bought my own for Kindle... Why, you say? Because packed in this short story there's everything you need to make it great: humor, action, poo, and a great ending. If that's not enough reason to get this super cute, short picture book, here's another: all profits go to the Children's Hospice charity for lifelimited and terminally ill children. And here's yet another reason: Celyn is eight years old, and already able to tell a story like this! Don't you want to read it? While I don't have kids, I know I'll want them to read this kind of story when I do: it's the kind they'll like and will mean something for them, I think. Congrats on your debut, Celyn! My daughter (8) has been reading Wheel-Mouse to her younger brother (5) and they both love it! Robot poo seems to be a favorite as does the speedy Wheel-Mouse herself. Really a lovely story and a playful one that connected well with the kids.We also had a long chat about cerebral palsy - something that would never have happened without Celyn's story. What cerebral palsy is, what it isn't and the likely impact on life. "Well, I think that she is an amazing writer and I love her story. She has a nice dad. Will she make more?" Fun story, learning and appreciation. It's a rare book that brings all three into our family's life.Thank you, Celyn!

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Both my kids loved reading this and thought the pictures were great.

Absolutely loved this little read made me smile and laugh out loud.

A fun little book for a great causeHad me grinning from ear to ear

A giggler for a great cause. Bought twice. :)

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