About book What's Your Worldview?: An Interactive Approach To Life's Big Questions (2014)
This book is pure drivel, from the outset. First, the assumption that choose your own adventure is a great idea is false. In my opinion these books were clever ways to line the pockets of wannabe authors. This why no serious adult fiction book follows this method. To make a nonfiction book do this is even more ridiculous. Maybe this is why you do not here of these type of authors in the mainstream. It is a constant presenting of false dilemmas.As far as the content, it is full of straw men presentations. Just look up the FAQ on any given worldview and you will see. The nihilist are completely misrepresented, the skepticism section is confusing not distinguishing between philosophical skepticism and methodological skepticism. And it says some pretty lame stuff, like you should be skeptical of your skepticism, which most are. That is why the discussion of skepticism is far more complex than he puts. Like I said above, all he does is present a baby straw men and than attacks it with weak, defenseless points. I would not even call them arguments. I am now in the atheist section and he does a classic blunder. First by divorcing agnosticism from it. There are many agnostic atheists and in fact this is the majority of atheists out there. He says that atheists are the minority, and in many ways he is right, but when you divorce agnostic from atheism you are further maligning a group and demonstrating you do not know what you are talking about. Agnostic atheism does not make the claim that this book asserts that god is not real, rather that god is not probable. Or that god most likely does not exist. At this point. I am done. With my review and with this book. This is a real quick read. It's done up like an old Choose Your Own Adventure book where you answer a question and he directs you to the next thing you should read based off what you picked. The author definitely has his own opinion and does what he can to steer you that way. I like the book just as a good smash and grab list of a bunch of different worldviews in one place for quick reference. Of course, what he has to say about the worldviews good/bad I'll leave it up to you to decide the validity. It's your worldview after all.
Do You like book What's Your Worldview?: An Interactive Approach To Life's Big Questions (2014)?
Good introduction to some of the major worldviews around today, in a clever format.
This Choose Your Own Adventure book is telling me I have a Christian worldview.
Interesting book to help you see your worldview and others