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What Would Susie Say?: Bullsh*t Wisdom About Love, Life And Comedy (2009)

What Would Susie Say?: Bullsh*t Wisdom About Love, Life and Comedy (2009)

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1439150176 (ISBN13: 9781439150177)
Simon & Schuster

About book What Would Susie Say?: Bullsh*t Wisdom About Love, Life And Comedy (2009)

Susie Essman rocks. You probably know her best as the fabulous Susie Greene on Curb Your Enthusiasm, but before that she was a hard working NYC comic. A female comic in NYC, did you get that? This woman has strength and dignity. The book is not a laugh riot, but you learn what it took for Ms. Essman to make it, and how she got the big break that has made her Curb character famous. For the Curb fans, there are some juicy stories here.A fast fun read. Impulse grab at the library. Susie does not offer a lot of new wisdom here, and some of the topics felt a bit worn out. It was interesting to learn about her life, though, and the process she went through to become a comic. She does not get to Curb Your Enthusiasm until the last couple of chapters, and the mere mention of Larry David made me chuckle, reminding me again why I picked this book up in the first place.

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I love Susie Greene on Curb, so I had to read about the woman behind the character. She's funny :-)

My SIL lent me this book. I'm just on the second chapter, but it is hilarious.

(I cheated and got the audio book read by the author for a trip to Ikea.)

That good sex is more important to women than it is to men.

not as funny as I'd hoped it would be...

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