About book What REALLY Happened To Humpty?: From The Files Of A Hard-Boiled Detective (2009)
While I appreciated the artwork and the story, the long sentences got in the way of reading this out loud. I thought that the 'hard-boiled' detective cliches would have been funnier if the 'less is more' rule would have been applied.Picture books, for the most part, are read aloud. I had to stop to explain to my five-year olds the difference between 'bare feet' and 'bear feet'. This might be a good read for older kids...but the content seemed for younger.Also, picture books with comment bubbles and comic strip layouts are hard to read out loud. This is the story of how Humpty Dumpty was pushed off a wall...his fall wasn't so innocent as we might think. Or at least that is what his younger brother, Joe, the detective believes. The police chief, Mother Goose, believes it was an accident. Joe is trying to piece together the clues to solve the crime. I enjoyed that other fairy tale and nursery rhyme characters were involved in the story. The story includes a map. There are some funny quips and humor mixed in. My girls and I each enjoyed this story.
Do You like book What REALLY Happened To Humpty?: From The Files Of A Hard-Boiled Detective (2009)?
creative, fun, kind of like The Web Files. Full of connections.
Coolest mystery book on the shelf in the children's corner