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What Happens Tomorrow (2000)

What Happens Tomorrow (2000)

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3.95 of 5 Votes: 1
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1499290713 (ISBN13: 9781499290714)

About book What Happens Tomorrow (2000)

***What Happens Tomorrow***Brooke's story is very heartfelt. Her emotions are very realistic to the situation, or at least how I would expect. Her trauma is one I hope to never have to relate too, that's for sure! She over comes a broken heart, and get's her heart broken even more by the end of the book, but never fails, here comes the hero...Tyler is almost too good to be true. He is understanding. loving, caring... everything you would want in a guy. I personally pictured Paul Walker, but in a suit and tie and not board shorts and sandals. (still freaking HOT!)You maybe asking, why not five stars? I wish there would have been more of how Tyler and Brooke fell in love. The author does throw in a timeline so you know it's not "insta-love", but as a reader I have trouble when the L word is dropped early on in a book. Sometimes I had trouble connecting with parts of the story, but that could simply be because of what I just previously mentioned.Overall this is a great first book for the lovely Elle Michaels. I will be reading more of her books in the future ;) This is a really brilliant debut novel. It's a great book that pulled on my emotions and kept me gripped from start to finish. Brooke is running from her past. When she moves into an apartment she meets Tyler. They become best friends. Told by both points of view the author sucked me in straight away. The emotional journey Brooke goes on will have you reaching out for the tissues. I just love Tyler. His tenderness and compassion towards Brooke is so lovely. If your looking for an emotional read about second chances with real characters then I will certainly recommend this to 1-click.

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What a heart breaking/emotional love story, Her husband was a total ass hat'

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