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What Binds Us (2012)

What Binds Us (2012)

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4.23 of 5 Votes: 2
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Carina Press

About book What Binds Us (2012)

I am definitely in the minority here. I seem to be picking the wrong books lately--this is the second in a row that I would qualify as "okay,-but-wouldn't-have-been-sorry-to-have-missed-it."I am NOT saying that the premise is bad or incorrect. I am NOT belittling the consequences and horrors of promiscuity and AIDS, but the setting and many of the circumstances of the story made the whole thing seem unreal to me. In addition, I found the story, much of the time, to be very slow moving, and the author's writing style left me a bit cold. I must begin by saying that Romance is not my genre. And this novel has some of the romantic qualities that will probably keep it that way. Still, Larry Benjamin has pulled no punches in delivering a heartwarming, heart-wringing, angry, and, yes, romantic story. His writing is strong, with clever phrasing that evokes the mood and compels the senses to recreate his world around you as you read. At the end, I was wiping the tears from my eyes, as I'm sure so many other readers were. Perhaps I'm more of a romantic than I thought.

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Beautiful love story, I love the audio narration

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