Holy cow, I'm not gonna lie I really wanted Yoori in the end to kick ass and all of a sudden remember everything! But I was sadly denies that pleasure. What an addicting read!! I can't believe it took me so long to find this series!!!!Tae Hyun is starting to become my favorite underworld gang lord, I'll admit in the beginning I was slightly annoyed with Yoori's forced personality, the author was obviously trying to make the story funny but it was not very natural,All in all amazing book! This was a great novel to read, it was very enjoyable and the characters were unique and funny. I enjoy watching Korean variety shows and movies and such, so I was really happy when I found a novel with Korean culture and actually takes place in Korea. The main character, Choi Yoori, is really funny. Her thoughts on the people and situations in this novel are hilarious. Most of the times authors who make romance novels which include action, make the main female character utterly weak and annoying. Although, Yoori may not be able to completely protect herself in some situations, she manages to turn those situations into funny and entertaining situations for me, instead of situations where I usually cringe and get frustrated at. This novel also includes a little bit of mystery, since Yoori has lost her memory, and there really isn't anyone from her past around her at all. This was also a very touching story at the same time even though it had its own funny moments. This novel showed that love cannot always prevail and conquer everything. Even though this may be true, the act of falling in love and living through it is still worth it.
Do You like book Welcome To The Underworld (2000)?
Very interesting read , my only problem was to remember the names , but I'm sure it was just me! lol
3+have I ever told you that I loooove stories about gangs and criminality? I DO.