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Wedding Survivor (2012)

Wedding Survivor (2012)

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3.75 of 5 Votes: 1
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Dastan Books

About book Wedding Survivor (2012)

While this prolific author has written quite a number of books, this book will have been my first by her. From what I can tell, it looks like Ms. London writes primarily historical romance which explains why I haven't read her before. (Not my cuppa tea.) However, this book, the first of the "Over The Edge" books (which were previously published in 2005 & also in 2011 as the "Thrillseeker's Anonymous" series)is a contemporary romance and is definitely up my alley. I enjoyed the story and both of the lead characters. I found the secondary characters to be entertaining, if a bit whiny & demanding which was certainly to be expected of them. The story moved at a good pace and I found that I really wanted to know what would happen next between Marnie and Eli. I will admit that I found Marnie to be a smidge immature at times and the description of her "maple pancake eyes" was a bit repetitive but her positive sunny disposition won me over in the long run. I'm glad that I dipped my toes into the water with Julia London and I will be happy to read the next installment when the reprint of it comes out. FTC Advisory: I won a copy of this book through the GoodReads First Reads program. No compensation for my review was given. This is the first in a trilogy about 3 men who run an extreme sports business. In this story, they contract to hold a wedding at a remote location for two Hollywood stars and need to hire a wedding planner. Marnie is new to the wedding planner business and she falls pretty quickly for Eli, the one who is chosen to work with her. This is a fun, quick read. The characters are lightly drawn and it feels a little dated. Eli and Marnie circle around each other from the beginning. Eli, typically, has been hurt in the past and is scared. Marnie, is sweet and bubbly. But that's about all you get. There are some funny parts with her parents and the neighbors, but it all feels a little bit like a caricature. None of it feels real. The story is enjoyable on a very shallow level.

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Loved this book! Have to get the next two...immediately.

Incredibly sweet and fun escape.

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