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We Could Be Brothers (2010)

We Could Be Brothers (2010)

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3.52 of 5 Votes: 1
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0545135737 (ISBN13: 9780545135733)
Scholastic Press

About book We Could Be Brothers (2010)

I was side stepped by all the negative reviews...I felt this was an honest read...I think the author did a great job of pulling boys with different life problem was with the age he tried to project - I did not feel as if it fit tightly...the story line I felt was true and the boys reactions meshed nicely I would be interested to see what he brings us in the future...yes I would recommend for middle school reading In the book We could be brothers by Derrick Barnes. The story of two teenage middle school students who are put into an after school suspension for having two different incidents with the same person, which led to them all to be in the same room. The story involves teenagers Robeson, Pacino and the one who provoked the incidents Tariq. All of them come from different backgrounds outside of school. During the three day suspension, Robeson and Pacino come to know each other as they both try holding their beef with Tariq. The teenage boys later on get to know themselves as they take a look at each others lives and the different situations they’re in or have to deal with outside of school. Together they talk about their struggles and what life has ahead of them.

Do You like book We Could Be Brothers (2010)?

This was a wonderfully told story that I would want my nephew to read some day.

Not deep enough...too quick...Tariq's character was underdeveloped...

awesome great fantastic amazing best book ever

Solid, heartfelt urban fiction.

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