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WARP Book 1: The Reluctant Assassin (2013)

WARP Book 1: The Reluctant Assassin (2013)

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3.88 of 5 Votes: 6
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0804123357 (ISBN13: 9780804123358)
Listening Library (Audio)

About book WARP Book 1: The Reluctant Assassin (2013)

This book just kept adding more and more villains till the end. In every chapter, a murder was described in full detail. If it wasn't a murder, it was someone getting beat up. The whole book probably had more murders than every single Hunger Games combined (that is an exaggeration, obviously). The level of detail was very gross, even for me. Overall, the book was very dull. There was too much blood and not enough chase scenes with intense running. The characters were not well rounded. They were stereotypical and flat. It felt to me as if the author was so passionate about the first half, but slapped together random things for the second half. There were no awesome master plans or descriptions (that were not about murders). I'd recommend this book to people who like the read and sleep at the same time. Maybe I'm being bit harsh. If you like a book where there's a lot of hands on actions, like stabbing and punching, this is perfect for you. If you like books where the protagonist goes through a lot of obstacles, then this book is for you. So basically, 5th graders would like this book. Even though they might like this book, I wouldn't recommend it to them. It's too graphic and gory for anyone below 13. There's nothing in the book that is a WHOA factor. There is nothing that will make you think what will happen next. There is no impact on the reader. I love time travel and space travel related novels, (Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy) , but all recent releases just never seem to catch my interest. With the exception of The Time Paradox by Eoin Colfer, which was brilliant. That's what I expected in this one, but it's hard to beat something as awesome as that. This was good not great. There was a lot of info, great setting for the story, a real scary villain *shudder* But I hope the second one is better. Looking forward to that, besides Mr.Colfer never disappoints :P

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