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War Dog: The No-man's Land Puppy Who Took To The Skies (2013)

War Dog: The no-man's land puppy who took to the skies (2013)

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About book War Dog: The No-man's Land Puppy Who Took To The Skies (2013)

The full title is actually The Dog Who Could Fly: The Incredible True Story of a WWII Airman and the Four-Legged Hero Who Flew At His Side. The book is a chronology of events based on a rough manuscript created by a WWII veteran Czech airman Robert Bozdech. Damien Lewis obtained the manuscript from Bozdech’s family and this book is the results.The story will be enjoyed by any dog lover. Tense at times, the story pulls at the heart describing the adventures of a dog and his master, the inexplicable devotion of human beings and animals.Story … A bomber gunner, crashes his plane into the midst of a battle between the Germans and the French in 1939. The flyer, Robert Bozdech, finds and rescues a new-born German Shepherd puppy. The dog becomes a mascot in the RAF, a WWII hero, wounded in action more than once. But, he’s a dog. He also chases rabbits and sheep. Antis, the dog, is a bit of a bone-head when it comes to staying put sometimes. In some instances, the dog’s ability to mind as a wee puppy (stay and be quiet) saves his life. As an adult dog, behavior is more along the lines of 'I’m-going-to-be-at-my-master’s-side-no-matter-what.’ Ergo, gets himself and his owner into dangerous and sometimes, humorous, situations. But, loyalty … both that of the dog, and that of the man, makes this story an emotional and endearing read.Narration … Read nicely by Derek Perkins and about ten hours of listening. Pacing and tempo is good. You’ll enjoy. 4 ½ stars. Audiobook needs a pdf file for pictures.Wow. Wonderful. Fantastic Story. True story about a dog and his loyalty and love with his owner.I was so captivated. Could not stop reading. A pilot Robert was shot down by the Germans in 1939. There he met abandoned puppy Antis who would die if not rescued. Robert crawled for hours to safety with the puppy in his shirt. This is one of those truth is stranger than fiction stories. Amazing things happen. It’s nonfiction but embellished with assumed/fictionalized dialogue. I liked the way that was done. It made it more enjoyable.The story is about the dog Antis from 1939 until Hitler surrendered in 1945. The epilogue states that Antis did some heroic things after the war during Robert’s travel from Communist occupied Czechoslovakia to Britain. That was one sentence. I wish the author wrote more about that.I’ve heard and read about psychic events here and there. I want to believe those things exist. And this book reinforces my belief. In one episode Robert is on a plane. Antis is at the base. At 1 am Robert is wounded. At that exact moment Antis began howling and grieving in a way he had not done before.TEARS:Antis died after a normal life span for a dog of fourteen years. Robert lived after that without Antis. At the end of the book I had a crying session. Antis lived a full life, but I still grieved.PICTURES:There are pictures in the physical book. I wish the author provided a downloadable pdf file for audiobook buyers.AUDIOBOOK NARRATOR:Derek Perkins did an excellent job.DATA:Narrative mode: 3rd person. Unabridged audiobook length: 9 hrs and 2 mins. Swearing language: none. Sexual content: none. Setting: 1940 - 1945 Europe and Great Britain. Book copyright: 2013. Genre: nonfiction, dog nonfiction.

Do You like book War Dog: The No-man's Land Puppy Who Took To The Skies (2013)?

I'm sure it's great story but the writing is horrible. Paid by the adjective. Couldn't finish it.

Amazing true story! A must read for dog lovers!

Another great read about a remarkable dog.

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