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Walking On Eggshells: Discovering Strength And Courage Amid Chaos (2013)

Walking on Eggshells: Discovering Strength and Courage Amid Chaos (2013)

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4.03 of 5 Votes: 3
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1451696159 (ISBN13: 9781451696158)
Howard Books

About book Walking On Eggshells: Discovering Strength And Courage Amid Chaos (2013)

Back in March of 2013, while I was recuperating from a mastectomy and preparing to start chemotherapy for breast cancer, I got hooked on watching "Dog the Bounty Hunter" on A&E. And now, every weekday morning, from 6-8 AM, my family knows that that's what will be on my television. I was looking something up about the Chapman family this past April 2014, and discovered that Dog himself had written two books, and that Lyssa Chapman had written a book about herself, so I set out to buy and read all three. I knew what I was getting into, and knew that they wouldn't be literary masterpieces. They were exactly what I expected and wanted....insights into this very public, very real family. This book by "Baby Lyssa" was so eye-opening. I can't even imagine, literally my brain refuses to picture, this woman's childhood and how she came out of it alive, let alone such a strong, independent yet totally devoted to her family, woman. Since I didn't know any of the background behind Lyssa when I began watching the show, I honestly had never noticed how many different appearance and behavior changes she went through on-screen. After reading this book though, it's much more apparent to me. My favorite episode of all is still the one with her allowing the cameras to film her giving birth to her second daughter. She remained so strong through such a long labor (and I totally relate to the long labor), and it was just such a joyous occasion on the show. I still tear up whenever it is shown.I enjoyed both books by the Dog, and by Lyssa and would recommend them to anybody else that has enjoyed watching either of his shows and has followed his family's work all these years. I'm conflicted in the rating of this book, I wanted to give it a 4 star but I can't. It is a 4 or 5 for memory of her history. No little feat. She seems sincerely honest and incredibly brave. And I'm glad I read this book. As I used to listen to all these histories in my job, it isn't all that different from a inner city ghetto "norm" for addictions and the life- believe it or not. At least she had some natural outdoors and sibling power. But her celebrity also gives her a huge path out, as do her looks. So as unlucky as she has been, there IS another side of the coin. Sadly, the bar is set even lower for many other girls. And could it be much lower than this?Especially the moving locations factor beyond the mother abandonment. Horrific! As children need structure and sameness in their routines and surroundings. Even within homeless family life we would always strive to keep placement in one school and one location for at least 3 years running.I happened to watch the wedding show (Bo)on Dog, the Bounty Hunter- and I saw considerable red flags between the couple and also Beth.They are all dysfunctional beyond the addictions, especially within the communicating- or screaming. But you have to give them credit for making their own rules to improve. Tough love on all sides.Leland is the only adult that I can see who avoided the worst lifestyle choices and he did it by removing himself. That's a lesson, readers.How could you have 12 kids with so many women and not have continuity for any of them? Or as a woman, to keep having kids in 2 or 3 different decades (Barbara)when you abandon them and do NOT adopt them out? Addiction is not the prime reason, just a symptom- it's the need or core for "feeling" drama, I think. It was hard to read parts of this book because I was also independent, supported myself too, at a very, very young age- but I took easier paths. I thank God everyday that I had a strong will to do so and to forget the abuse and stranger attack/ much else when I needed to do so. You cannot do it alone. The highest power above is your strength, outside of yourself, when you need it. I feel she has discovered that too, at times. More power to her and I hope she makes a success of the projects.

Do You like book Walking On Eggshells: Discovering Strength And Courage Amid Chaos (2013)?

Really good book! She has been through a lot and I am proud she was able to get her live together.

very good book. really sad, but glad to see she is being a better person because of her past

Awesome book. Thanks to Baby Lyssa for sharing her story.

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