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Walk Out Walk On: A Learning Journey Into Communities Daring To Live The Future Now (2011)

Walk Out Walk On: A Learning Journey into Communities Daring to Live the Future Now (2011)

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1605097314 (ISBN13: 9781605097312)
Berrett-Koehler Publishers

About book Walk Out Walk On: A Learning Journey Into Communities Daring To Live The Future Now (2011)

I had to read this book for a class and didn't particularly care for it. Some people might like it but it's very much not my style. It gives short descriptions of a few projects that are going on around the world to create more sustainable or more community driven lifestyles. Some of the projects sounded very worthwhile and practical but I couldn't get past the author's feelings about things. Reading about how magical the writer found their nightly meeting or how beautiful she felt their drumming session was was drudgery for me. I think changing the world is important but I would rather not sit around in the circle and sing songs about it until the candles burn down. Compelling lens telling 7 stories of social innovation around the world. Outlier description for the inspiration that occurs? "No one is coming to help. Now What?" Good read on how communities form around big hairy questions and inspiring stories of people who create their own solutions. The poem in the beginning of the book is compelling as well. A quote by Pema Chodron, Buddhist teacher:"The whole globe is shook up, so what are you going to do when things are falling apart?You're either going to become more fundamentalist and try to hold things together,or, you're going to forsake the old ambitions and goals and live life as an experiment making it up as you go along." The book jacket points to communities living the future now."

Do You like book Walk Out Walk On: A Learning Journey Into Communities Daring To Live The Future Now (2011)?

Top 5 book for me. If you know me and you read it you'll know why.

Inspiring and beautifully written. Great human stories.

Lets go to a journey, enjoy the innovation process

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