I thought this book would be about a patient, and doctor falling in love. It was, but it was so much more than that. I loved the plot, and suspense of the story. Viola was in a car crash and ends up in a coma. The first few chapters is describing the strange dreams she is having, and how she can't escape them. Her doctor Sam was the only one that thought she would wake up. He would come and talk to her while she was unconscious. She memorized his voice while she was in the coma, and felt safe when he was around. Once she was awake she knew someone was trying to kill her. She had to research, and find proof. Will Sam believe her, and help her before it's too late? Okay, this was hard to get into, and a little too long in parts for me, but I did enjoy the story, but was expecting more of a romance/relationship between Sam and Viola, but it was good in the end. I had to push through to get to the information, but still the book was well written and interesting story of murder, suspense, grief and believing in your own sanity. I suppose that is an interesting part of this, that there is a lot of character's questioning themselves and their take on reality and what life should be. Although, not my most favorite read, I think the author did a good enough job that I would recommend this book, especially to those that love more mystery and suspense than romance. I liked it enough that I will eventually read the follow-up about Brady.
Do You like book Wake For Me (2013)?
It was ok, but the pacing was really slow to me.