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Waiting, Hoping, Wishing (2014)

Waiting, Hoping, Wishing (2014)

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3.49 of 5 Votes: 3
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M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads

About book Waiting, Hoping, Wishing (2014)

The characters are so generic that it's almost painful, but I had liked the few lines of dialogue quoted and I so I thought I would push through. I just couldn't. The story set up was that two best friends have been in love with each other and imagined that love to be unrequited. Clearly something must change for one of them to either discover the other guy's feelings or decide to confess their own. Instead we get completely random groping at a gay club they visit together and insecure but silent first time sex. Like, what? The unrequited love of the main character was the only tense thing in the whole story and it wasn't resolved as much as melted away, both unrealistically (seriously you do not start groping your best friend without so much as a kiss, not even that, without looking them in the face to check if they look ok with you getting up close and personal. Like, otherwise, what was all the drama about losing them forever about?) and unsatisfying (again, what was all the emoting about if random groping would have no negative consequences?) 3.5 starsA well written short about friends to lovers and coming fully out of the closet. The sexual tension was nice and it had a good amount of angst without being over powered by it. I could see this being expanded into a series, as a secondary character, Justin, is interesting enough to get his own story. This is told in the POV of Dean and as a result I would have liked to know more about what changed in Matt's mind to finally make a move on Dean, and the misunderstanding was a little frustrating because Dean decided to not ask for clarification, but the apology was a nice touch.The new book cover looks great.A nice addition to the loves landscapes event.Thanks to the author for their time and participation in this event.

Do You like book Waiting, Hoping, Wishing (2014)?

Nice friends to lovers story. Dean and Matt were great together.

3.5* Good friends to lovers.

2.5 stars


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