An ingenious take on the aliens made humans concept with two overlapping plots, a tongue-in-cheek take on world religions, and a wry wit.This take on aliens made humans makes humans the result of the bumbling activities of aliens from a species that controls evolution in the universe. However, these aliens are currently uncertified, unsupervised, and basically the frat boys of outerspace. At least at first. Thus, instead of it all being some evil experimental conspiracy, the direction of life on Earth is much more of an accident of floundering fools. Granted, the fools grow and change over the time that they spend on Earth waiting for their ride back from spring break, but the fact remains that evolution on Earth is a result of the experiments of two aliens who are not yet fully trained. This is also used to explain the phenomenon of souls in bodies and then souls that have an afterlife. All other species have souls that can either choose to be in or not in a corporeal body. This is the result of the two aliens, Barion and Coyul, not staying within the rules of evolution.We thus get to the other really creative part of the book. Since the souls are unfotunately tied to bodies that die, when the bodies die, the souls don’t know what to do or where to go, and so humanity creates the idea of the afterlife, with the two aliens serving as the rulers of the two options (again, created by humans). The aliens thus are kind of forced into the roles of God and Satan. The way afterlives go, though, is generally more the result of what the various humans think it will be or think they deserve. The aliens have mostly tried to stay out of the way, but when they hear rumblings that remind them on the beginning of the nightmare that was Nazi Europe in the American midwest, they decide to dive on in and try to fix it.Clearly the plot and setting are extremely engaging and thought-provoking. I could truly talk about them for hours. They are creative and a vision of the world I enjoyed visiting. The characterization of the two aliens is a bit weak though. I mixed them up a lot, constantly forgetting who was God and who was Satan. I honestly can’t remember right now if Barion or Coyul plays Satan. I wish they had been characterized more clearly, as this would have strengthened the story.Overall, this is a unique take on aliens creating humans, featuring a rollicking and thought-provoking plot. The characterization can be a bit weak but the action-packed plot and vibrant setting generally make up for it. Recommended to scifi or fantasy fans looking for an extraterrestrial take on mythology.Check out my full review.
Imagine if "Job" by Heinlein was written from the immortals' perspectives.Good, yes? Now keep that image in mind. Hold it firm and tight, and you won't have to read this book, as likely what's in your head is better than what's on the page.It's not bad, exactly. It's an interesting look at the development of a series of beliefs based on a clumsy perception of the universe. And it works, for a time. But mostly it feels like it's a joke that's too long in the telling, and that the main characters are only going through the whole rigamarole because they're bored out of their skulls.It's a book to pass the time. Like the erstwhile god and his cohort, while away the hours reading it without expecting too much, and it will seem like it has real potential. But like the human race, you may be left wanting at the end.
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I read this book tongue in cheek and I enjoyed it. Yes the premise of it could be seen as sacreligious by some- but the book doesn't take itself seriously so it shouldn't be read that way. So what if God and the devil were really just teenage aliens who accidently got left behind on earth? And what if they were bored so they speed up evolution a little?The book starts there and delivers the funny and the interesting along the way with only the occasional hiccup.This was an enjoyable read and it's sequel was only a little less so. I'd reccommend it as a fun,light read.
A quick, enjoyable read about human social and philosophical error. Godwin seems to barrow much from The Divine Comedy, Joseph Campbell, Shakespeare and many other classical works, too numerous to list. In a tale that is cosmic farce, Godwin throws in two original jokes. "What is two hundred feet long, green, with warts all over and, sleeps at the bottom of the ocean?Moby Pickle.""What's purple, wears a Scout hat and stamps out forest fires?Smokey the Grape."(Hey, I liked them and silly fun is what reading is all about.)
I thought this book was okay, but it didn't really suck me in. It's quirky in a Douglas Adams sort of way, but a little more grounded in a story line. My interpretation is that this is a story of a battle of good versus evil, meanwhile questioning the similarities and differences of good and evil. The author strikes directly at fundamentalism as you take an unusual trip through heaven and hell. A background in religion and 20th century politics is helpful in understanding some of the allusions and puns.